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Foire d'hiver (The Frost Fair) à Londres en 1683. Légende en anglais de l'inscription du haut : (AN Exact and lively Mapp or REPRESENTATION Of Booths and all the varieties of showes and Humours upon the ICE on the River of THAMES by LONDON During that memorable Frost in the 35th yeare of the Reigne of his Sacred Maty King CHARLES the 2d ANNO Dni MDCLXXXIII. With an Alphabetical Explanation of the most remarkeable Figures). Texte du bas (The Temple Staires with People goeing upon the Ice to Temple Street A.The Duke of Yorke's Coffee house B.The Tory Booth C.The Booth with a Phoenix on it and Insured as long as the Foundation Stand D.The Roast Beefe Booth E.The halfe way house F.The Beare garden Shire Booth G.The Musick Booth H.The Printing Booth I.The Lottery Booth K.The Horne Tavern Booth L.The Temple garden with Crowds of People looking over the wall M.The Boat drawne with a Hors N.The Drum Boat O.the Boat drawne upon wheeles P.the Bull baiting Q.The Chair sliding in the Ring R.The Boyes Sliding S.The Nine Pinn Playing T.The sliding on Scates V.The sledge drawing Coales from the other side of the Thames W.The Boyes climbing upon the Tree in the Temple garden to see ye Bull Baiting X.The Toy Shopps Y.London Bridge Z.). Source : from Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 9 by Charles Dickens, William Harrison Ainsworth, Albert Smith ; publisher : Richard Bentley, 1841, p. 133.
512 - 1024 - Fichier Original - Source + Métadonnées SCOLOMFR
Gravure, hiver, Dix-septième siècle, Foires, Londres (GB), Tamise (GB. - cours d'eau), Tamise (GB), Vallée de la, Effets du froid, Gel, Tamise (GB), Bassin de la